Saturday 14 January 2012


Blood from the glomerulus is carried away by four arteries.Two arteries, a mid-dorsal proboscis artery and a mid-ventral proboscis artery, supply the proboscis. Two, called efferent glomerular arteries, run backward along the two sides of buccal diverticulum encircle the buccal tube as peribuccal vessels and unite in a single longitudinal ventral vessel that runs up to the posterior end of the body through the ventral mesentery..The ventral vessel gives out a ventral collar-vessel to the collar, a ring vessel to the collar-trunk septum and an afferent branchial artery to each gill septum in which it bifurcates to supply two adjacent tongue bars. All these branches break up into a system of sinuses in their respective structures.The ventral aessel has muscular contractile walls and the blood in it flows backwards.           

1 comment:

  1. It is a nice list. I have been searching to get a good do follow list. Thx for sharing this info.
    Buccal tubes
