Friday 6 April 2012


.Digestive enzymes are secreated from two source ,midgut diverticulum and the midgut epithelium. The food cord from pharynx passes through oesophagus into midgut. Digestion starts in the midgut by ciliary action. In the ilio-colic ring, the food cord undergoes rotation due to ciliary activity. This breaks up the food material into still smaller particles, throughly mixes up enzymes with food and delays the backwards passage of food to allow more time for action of enzymes.Digestion is mainly extracellular but intracellular digestion also takes placewhich is unique as it isunknown in other vertevrates. Intracellular digestion takes place mainly in thephagocytic cells of midgut diverticulum. Some food particles may pass into atrial cavityand eventually engulfed by the phagocytic cells present in renal papillae on the floor of atrial cavity.

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