Friday 8 June 2012


The mosquito belong to the group diptera. There are two familes of mosquitoes culicinae and anophelidae.when sitting the abdomen of anopheles is always held at an angle to the surface while that of culex is held parallel to the surface.
COPULATION AND OVIPOSITION-The two sexes copulate during flight.The male get attached to the female with the high pitched whine.Before takes a meal the female lay egg .They lay egg of about 200 to400 egg in cluster in ponds,ditches,marshes,street gutters or water barrels.with the hind leg they are cemented togher to form a small floating RAFT.
EGGS-The egg are white,elongated and cigar-shaped.The air bubbles,entangled among the upper narrower ends,assist in floating .The egg become dark grey.
IMAGO-The pupal stage last for 3 or 4 days. The completion of metamorphosis is result into adult insect called imago.The pupal skin now spilits along the back between the two respiratory trumpets.The imago emerges out with well-developed wings and after a few moments flies away.The complete life cycle takes place for ten to several days.The female lives for one month or more and the male for about a week.

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