Thursday 30 August 2012


1.KAPPA PARTICLES-In conjugation the particles that survive is called killers and other are called sensitive. The one which survive are called killers and other self-replacting the cytoplasmic bodies are called kappa particles.These are associated with the production of a killing substances ,paramecin. The kappa particles diffuses out into the surrounding water and causes the death  of kappa particles it was found that a dominant gene in nucleus is necessary for kappa to exist,multiply and produce paramecium.
2.Pi particles-These are mutant forms of kappa particles. They do not release any toxic substances meant for killing those which are without such particles.
3.Mu PARTICLES-These particles are also killers and kill the mate without such particles, during conjugation.
4.LAMBDA PARTICLES-These are borne by killer paramecia and causes the sensitive paramecia to lyse or disintegrate.

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