Thursday 24 May 2012


There are 20,000 living species of bony fish.The teleostei comprising about 17,000 species.
LATIMERIA-They were dominant in devonian times about 280 million years.Dr.j.l.b smith of rhodes university named this "living fossil" Latimeria chalumnae. Latimer is blue-grey with irregular white spots and highly reflective golden eyes. size range 0.75 to slightly over 2 m.In the absence of claspers male latimeria achieve copulation is not know.It discovered in 1938 coast of south africa,crossopterygians are all extinct .
The skeletal elements of paired fins lobes resembled the priximal skeletal elements of tetrapod limbs.
skull was similar to that of earliest amphibians.
Fresh waters forms migrated from one body of water to another because they could use their air bladders like lungs.

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