Tuesday 29 May 2012


Family tetrodontidae,order tetraodontiformes.commonly called globe fish or puffer.shape round or globose when taken out the water,it inflates suddenly with air like a balloon and a sound is emitted by forceful expulsion of air fromoesophagus. scales modified into small spines,especially on ventral side. mouth narrow,teeth fused to form beak.eyes large and protruding pelvic fins lacking.it contain alkaloid poisoncalled tetrodotoxin which is used in lung infection in japan.
DIODON-Family diodontidae,order tetraodontiformes. commonly called porcupine fish. occurs from red sea through indian seas to pacific ocean.Body uniformly covered by large movable spines for defence.
OSTRACION-FAMILYostraciontidae,order tetraodontiformes.Body roughly triangular and encased in a carapace or armour of hexagonal bony plates.commonly called trunk fish or coffer fish.due to presence of two horn like suptaorbitalspines called as cow fish.

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